Nutritional Analysis of Huggy Bear's Home Made Dog Food Part 2

Huggy Bear at Waikiki
So let's analyze the nutritional content of Huggy Bear's home made dog food.  I looked up all of the ingredients that are in Huggy's basic food on the USDA web site, which I consider to be a trustworthy source of unbiased information on food.

Of the 22 components listed on the Vitamin Supplement, the home made dog food was short on 9 items, and 2 that were not verifiable (biotin and chromium, which are found in carrots and broccoli but this information is based on sources in which legitimacy cannot be verified), but there were no components missing completely (contains zero of that component) from the home made dog food.

From this conclusion, I've decided to give Huggy Bear half of the vitamin supplement recommended by the vet.

Vitamins and Minerals in Huggy Bear's daily amount of dog food:
Vitamin/MineralIn Huggy's Dog FoodRecommended (60 lb   Dog)Enough/Not Enough
Calcium, Ca184.98mg150mgEnough
Iron, Fe7.2532mg0.5mgEnough
Magnesium, Mg142.02mg10mgEnough
Potassium, K1091.8mg0.8mgEnough
Zinc, Zn11.6322mg3mgEnough
Copper, Cu0.6438mg0.01mgEnough
Manganese, Mn0.77072mg2mgNot Enough
Selenium, Se110.078µg10µgEnough
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid15.34mg60mgNot Enough
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1)0.34846mg10mgNot Enough
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2)0.92492mg10mgNot Enough
Niacin (Niacinamide)28.69892mg6mgEnough
Pantothenic acid4.46682mg10mgNot Enough
Vitamin B-61.72554mg10mgNot Enough
Folate (Folic Acid)90.76µg10µgEnough
Vitamin B-123.954µg6µgNot Enough
Carotene, beta1803.6µg1000µgEnough
Vitamin A, IU4132.78IU1000IUEnough
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)1.682mg30mgNot Enough
Vitamin D45.3IU150IUNot Enough
* Biotin is found in Carrots
** Chromium is found in Broccoli

USDA Nutritional Content Links:
Chicken Thighs
Ground Turkey
Frozen Broccoli, boiled
Frozen Carrots, boiled
Frozen Cauliflower, boiled
Cooked Rice
Sesame Seeds
For Dried Fish, I substituted Sardines
For Nori Seaweed, I substituted Wakame

Links for Biotin and Chromium Information from unverifiable sources:

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