Friday, April 11, 2014

My Huggy Bear

Huggy Bear at Flo Jo Olympic Park, Mission Viejo, CA
I figured I would start this blog to document everything that I have learned since I became a dog owner in 2010.  When my wife and I adopted Huggy Bear, my German Shepherd mix, I knew nothing about dogs.  I naturally went to the Internet for information.  I was glad I was able to find any information I needed from the comfort of my home, but I was also surprised to find so much information that is simply wrong.

I will try to explain my thought process for the conclusions I have reached as clearly as possible.  I have a background in science, so I would read the information, and then make my own conclusion whether the information is true or not, based on logic, general science knowledge, and cross referencing with other sources on the Internet.

I will try to explain my thought process for the conclusions I have reached as clearly as possible, but I urge you to do the same thing I have done.  Please think after you read anything on the Internet.

I started out with a post on the final dog food that I am feeding Huggy Bear first, and then kind of work backwards on how I got there from initially feeding Huggy Science Diet and Eukanuba when I first got him.

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